[Flow] OS & Sessions
[Flow] OS is a digital toolbox for creating online experiences, built on a theoretical model developed in 2019. [F] OS’ first market-ready product, Sessions, was launched in 2021, reimagining the way we meet online by enabling users to transform interactions into powerful collaborations.
From Meetings
to Happenings
How do you turn a technological titan into a market-friendly product?
We were first implicated in the very genesis of [Flow] OS’ conceptual model, back when it was laid as mathematical formulas in notebooks and piles of information theory. Long story short, we found ourselves inventing a new language, co-drafting and editing hundreds of white paper pages, and distilling all that into a comprehensible ecosystem from which a company, a business and, eventually, products, could grow.
Although [F] OS was born during the COVID-19 pandemic, its roots go far deeper. They dive into the heart of information technology’s “original sin:” how to communicate simply without losing complexity, how to make new tools without wasting old ones, and how to exchange content without overlooking context. On a mission to resolve such age-old challenges, [Flow] OS thus became the world’s first cooperating information system.
[Flow] OS being a brainful, its first SaaS product Sessions had to leave the theory aside and focus on the user experience. Enter the agenda. Acting as Sessions’ spinal cord, the agenda is a script for every online experience, giving users the exact tools they need at just the right time. It became our red thread to tell Sessions’ story, and ease users into adopting this all-in-one toolkit for every meeting, interview, webinar or online course.